Un set de lectură ce cuprinde o selecție 30 de cărți, cu cele mai interesante povești cu animale.
Titluri incluse in set:
- The Rabbit’s Tale
- The Wish Fish
- How Zebras Got Their Stripes
- The Little Giraffe
- The Dragon and the Phoenix
- The Chilly Little Penguin
- Bears
- The Little Red Hen
- The Lion and the Mouse
- The Ant and the Grasshopper
- Chicken Licken
- The Scaredy Cat
- The King’s Pudding
- The Goose that laid the Golden Eggs
- The Musicians of Bremen
- The Leopard and the Sky God
- The Hare and the Tortoise
- The Ugly Duckling
- The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
- The Emperor and the Nightingale
- Androcles and the Lion
- The Owl and the Pussycat
- Animal Legends
- Puss in Boots
- Stories of Magical Animals
- The Billy Goats Gruff
- Stories of Ponies
- Stories of Unicorns
- Stories of Dragons
- Stories of Dinosaurs
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